Affiliate Resources

Welcome! We're so glad you're here supporting this cause!

IMPORTANT! When posting to Facebook...

For posts other than your Standing with You videos, please be sure to post the graphic provided below after entering the text. Else, Facebook will automatically try to use the header image from the website and will cut off the sides of the graphic in the process. Double-check after posting that the entire image with all text is visible. Suggested swipe copy for your social media is also provided below. Be sure to use your personalize affiliate link.

Your Personal Affiliate Tracking Links

(More coming!)

Email, Newsletter and Social Media Copy

Graphics (Replay and Evergreen)

Right-click (PC) or ctrl-click (Mac) on an image to save


Wide banner / email header @  940 x 217px


Facebook post share / landscape splash @ 800 x 449px


Square splash @ 600 x 600px


Instagram post share / square splash @ 500 x 500px


Square splash @ 430 x 430px