Healing From Sexual Abuse Using Havening Techniques

Dr. Eva Detko

Natural healthcare practitioner, author, and speaker

In Dr. Eva's interview you'll discover:

  • The impact of trauma on mental and physical health
  • The best modalities to heal trauma
  • How Havening techniques help heal trauma

Dr. Eva has an extensive knowledge and experience in the field of human physiology, biochemistry, nutritional sciences, and bioenergetics to help people heal.


Dr. Eva's Free Gift for You!


Boost Your Self Worth Self-Hypnosis Recording

  • Reclaim your identy
  • Heal the trauma
  • Release chronic negative emotions

Get your free gift here:


Dr. Eva shares even more inside the Women Emerging Healing Program:

Includes Dr. Eva's
Affirmational Havening for Emotional Healing

In this session we use self-havening with some positive affirmation based around self-nurturing, self-worth, and emotional healing from sexual abuse. Havening Techniques is a form of psychosensory scientific therapy that helps permanently heal trauma, anxiety and fears, as well as create positive alterations in our brain.


  • Rewriting the subconscious narrative with positive affirmations that help us heal and become whole again
  • Creating deep sense of calm and relaxation
  • Promoting healing delta brain wave activity that is mainly only accessible to us during deep sleep

Get this and many more healing resources in your Women Emerging Healing Program!