Loving Past Your Pain

Kev Hick

Dating and relationship coach

In Kev's interview you'll discover:

  • What someone you’re dating needs to know if you’ve been sexually abused
  • When to tell the person you are dating that you’ve experienced sexual abuse
  • The most important thing your partner needs to know if you’ve been triggered

Kev's life purpose is to help people avoid and recover from the worst that love has to offer. His hope is that we love ourselves as intensely as we love our idea of love. https://ybslove.com/

Kev's Free Gift for You!


Take the Love Animal Quiz

Love. Animals. What more do you need to know?!

Get your free gift here:

Kev shares even more inside the Women Emerging Healing Program:

Includes Kev's
What Guys Need to Know to Support You in Your Healing

In this short, but impactful video you will discover:

  • How to help a man your care about help you recover and heal
  • What men are thinking when they find out you’ve experienced abuse
  • What you need to know if you are looking for a man who will really love you

Get this and many more healing resources in your Women Emerging Healing Program!