Personal Writing as a Powerful Tool for Healing and Transformation

Laura Davis

Transformational writing teacher, author, "The Courage to Heal"

In Laura's interview you'll discover:

  • How to create a safe container for your writing and processing.
  • Why writing in community can help you heal and transform
  • How to transform your life story

Laura is now offering on-line writing retreats and classes, some of which are focused on resilience in this time of pandemic. More at

Laura's Free Gift for You!


Guided Visualization and Writing Exercise: The Gift

Relax and let Laura Davis lead you on a guided meditation to receive a special gift that will support you in your healing and accompany you on journey.

Get your free gift here:

Get More from Your Favorite Experts

Inside this upgraded program you’ll learn to:

  • Feel safe in the world
  • Love and trust your body
  • Change painful patterns
  • Attract love and support

The program includes:

  • All supersummit interviews
  • 15 in-depth expert exercises
  • 9 special sessions for Reclaiming Your Soul