Rewrite the Music of Your Life
Michael Rorick
Professor, Music and Meditation —SUNY Fredonia
In Michael's interview you'll discover:
- the significance of will, intention and belief in recovering from physical trauma
- How transvibrational healing can change your life
- How trauma can become a catalyst for your personal transformation
Michael has been a professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia for 15 years in audio engineering, and currently for a popular master class in music and meditation. Because of his own climb from disabled to fully fit, he is committed to the innate ability to change your physical, mental and spiritual health.
Michael's Free Gift for You!
Women Emerging Short Cleansing Meditation
In this healing meditation you experience:
- Advanced relaxation
- Energy translation
- Energetic cleansing
Get your free gift here:
Michael shares even more inside the Women Emerging Healing Program:
Includes Michael's
Women Emerging Full Cleansing Meditation
In this full-length cleansing meditation you will experience:
- Advanced relaxation
- Energetic cleansing
- Transvibrational healing through a vibrational superpower
Get this and many more healing resources in your Women Emerging Healing Program!