The hidden epidemic
1 in 4 females is sexually assaulted in their lifetime—37 million+ women in the US alone
Most abuse is at the hands of men they know—family, friends, authority figures, and co-workers
A woman who has been assaulted carries the pain and fear of that abuse into every area of her life, until she heals. She expects life to be treacherous, unfair, and unrewarding—limiting her potential and affecting the people around her...
However, women committed to healing are able to bring more of their true brilliance to their families, careers, and the world. Plus, they have the fortitude it takes to finally bring sexual abuse to its end.
Healing Experts • Conscious Leaders • Women’s Advocates • Celebrities • Podcasters • Musical Artists
Join us in supporting women healing from sexual abuse

Misa Hopkins, Co-host
Bestselling author, Sacred Feminine Awakening series

Stephanie James, Co-host
Psychotherapist, host of The Spark radio program

Laura Davis
Bestselling author, The Courage to Heal, The Writer's Journey retreats

Larry Dossey, MD
Pioneering bestselling author on
consciousness and healing

Dr. Eva Detko
Specialist in mind transformation and autoimmune diseases

Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson
Bestselling author, expert on hormones, digestion and PTSD
... plus dozens of other dedicated thought leaders in a unique psychospiritual approach to healing
Creative Performance Videos
Artistic Inspiration for Going from Surviving to Thriving
Sexual abuse is an issue that affects all of us—directly or indirectly. Together, we can do something about it.
Thank you for joining us in being part of the solution. And thank you for standing with beautiful, courageous women in their healing.
In love and gratitude,

Executive Director, New Dream Foundation
Co-producer, Women Emerging Supersummit
Reserve your place in the upcoming April event
Share your own "Standing with You" video or creative performance video
Help us reach and serve tens of thousands of women. New Dream Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donation may be tax deductible.